How HPV and Oral Cancer are Related

Did you know that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and oral cancer are linked? This information may prevent you or a loved one from suffering from oral cancer if a diagnosis is made early. the doctor and our team want you to understand how you can prevent the spread of oral cancer and protect yourself if you have HPV.

People don’t often speak up about this common virus, but we believe it’s important to educate yourself to prevent the potential spread of oral cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 80% of Americans will have HPV infections in their lifetime without even knowing it. Symptoms usually go unnoticed, though it’s one of the most common viruses in the U.S. The body’s immune system is generally able to kill the HPV infection without causing any noticeable issues. If you think you might have HPV, talk with primary care physician about getting the preventive vaccine or taking an HPV test.

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, “HPV is the leading cause of oropharyngeal cancers (the very back of the mouth and throat), and a very small number of front of the mouth, oral cavity cancers. HPV16 is the version most responsible, and affects both males and females.”

Common signs of oral cancer may include:

  • Ulcers or sores that don’t heal within a couple of weeks
  • Swelling, lumps, and discoloration on the soft tissues in the mouth
  • Difficult or painful swallowing
  • Pain with chewing
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Numbness of the mouth or lips
  • Lumps felt on the outside of the neck
  • Constant coughing
  • Earaches on one side of your head

If you experience any of these side effects, please contact Nandni Wadhwa as soon as possible.

We hope this information will help you understand the interactions between HPV and oral cancer. Please remember to take precautionary steps if you notice anything out of the ordinary with regard to your oral health. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our Somerville, New Jersey office.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm






    Great care provided by the entire group! Doctor's are all awesome, answer all questions or concerns & have helped all my family's Dental needs ??Highly recommend !!!

    Bob Muzzin

    Truly amazing! I was hesitant to visit any dentist for several years after my braces were taken off because of a previous bad experience I had. First entering the office I was greeted warmly by very friendly staff. I knew I needed two root canals and several fillings done all of which I was not looking forward to. She had asked if we could just do one filling on my first visit which I had agreed to. The procedure went flawlessly. For those who are scared of needles (which was my worst fear), Dr. Wadhwa is extremely experienced in this field and knows how to make the pain almost nonexistent. It took some convincing but Dr. Wadhwa had relieved all of my concerns of going to the dentist. She is the only dentist I'll be visiting ever again for any routine or intricate procedures.

    Nick Spano

    I had stopped going to the dentist for the last few years because of a previous bad expierence. I decided to try Dr. Wadhwa and was very pleased. She is very friendly and understood mty hesitancy about going back to the dentist. She answered all my questions and asked to make sure I understood everything. I will have to come back for fillings but she explained the procedure and I feel much better about it. The staff up front is also very welcoming, they actually seemed interested with what I was talking about. I would highly suggest going to Dr. Wadhwa she is great!!

    Katharine Mauer

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